Jul 17, 2024

Little Free Library Tour

Everyone knows their local library is a great resource to get books but did you know your neighborhood might have many "secret" libraries? Come along while I tell you more about Little Free Libraries and show you some of the ones in my area!

Little Free Libraries (LFL) are hidden gems that can be found all over the world and, likely, right in your own community. LFL is a nonprofit based in St. Paul, Minnesota who's mission is to build community, inspire readers and expand book access.


There's a good chance you may have passed a LFL and not even know it. They could definitely be overlooked as an oversized mail box but often look like little homes.  

The best way to find LFL in your area is to visit their website or to download their App. The app is actually great because not only can you find the LFL based off your current location but you also have the option to get directions to them. 

What I also love about LFL is that anyone can start one! You can purchase a prefab LFL off their website or build your own. The ones in my area are pretty standard but I've seen a few really unique ones online!
I would love to have my own LFL someday. Logistically our road isn't the best place for one. One side is a ditch and the other is vineyard... and let's just say out mailbox has encountered a tractor once or twice! So right now I'm just a dreamer and a donater : ]


So how good are they? Honestly, I think that depends on the steward and the community. Some I visited were bursting with books but one I visited seemed to be completely abandoned : [
However, I would like to note that I've seen some of my favorite authors donate their books to LFL. Some even before their official release date! So all that to say it can be hit or miss. 
There is a little bit of etiquette that comes with LFL but I think the overall motto is "Take a book. Share a book". The point of these is to expand access to books right? So it's nice if you are able to exchange a book while you are there. I have a box of "donate" books in my car that comes in handy when visiting a LFL.
My hot (not so LFL related) tip is that your local thrift store can be a great place to snag books at a great price. My local goodwill sells $1 paperbacks and $2 hardcovers. Sometimes if I see a great title that I already own I snatch it up for my LFL donate box!

I encourage everyone to check out their local LFLs! It is like a fun scavenger hunt and you might even get a great read out of it!


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Hello, I'm Amber! I'm a grand-millennial living in the countryside of NorCal. I love to tell my story through photos of all the things I love. Escape the ordinary with me!

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