I think the last time I mentioned the weather I was excited about it being 100°. Welp, since then it's been 100 plus degrees everyday and I am definitely less than excited about it 🤣 But you know who is (mostly) loving it? The garden!
We've already got blackberries starting to ripen!
This year I wanted to do some flower rows. I bought a TON of seeds off amazon. I am honestly so pleased and surprised by the success I'm having. My sunflowers just started blooming and I can't wait to see when everything is in full bloom.
I'm spotting new little friends in the garden each day.
Speaking of friends, we've also seen evidence of Tremors in the garden... But seriously, we have no idea what left this gigantic mound behind 🫢
Very excited to see my strawberries coming back strong 💪We planted them three years ago and they just keep getting better every year. This year they even sent out runners and took over another barrel on their own. If you can get your hands on the Albion varietal I highly recommend them!
Happy little squash plant! We *thought* this was a pumpkin but evidence is starting to suggest otherwise.
I am more confident that this one actually is a pumpkin 🤣 And yes right now there is only one, single pumpkin. I don't think we'll be opening a pumpkin patch anytime soon.
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